Friday, 21 August 2020

No More Funding Problems! Learn how Cresthill Capital has changed the Dynamics of Funding

Lack of funding or working capital can be a problem, especially for small and medium enterprises. Besides, it is pretty weird to think that lack of funds is a problem that is constant in our pursuit of success. Be it anything, from the first day of the inception of a mind-boggling idea to paying out a hefty payroll to some of your employees; funding can act as a mirage in your financial desert.

Moreover, to stay upright and head-to-head in an extremely competitive environment, fetching funds is very crucial in taking your business to the next level. However, for some reason small and medium businesses have not been able to that. Do we know what that reason is?

Of course, the traditional channels! Placed to help, they have created their terms and regulations in a way that has become almost impossible to take help from. For them, the only way a businessman can showcase his creditworthiness is by maintaining high credit scores and boasting heavy collaterals.

And, in the real world, it is pretty tough for the small and medium businesses to do that. With an endless number of uncertain opportunities, they find it difficult to maintain a proper working capital let alone a credit score.

 So, is it right to deprive the economical backbone of the country from funds that can help them in growing?

We believe the answer is a simple no! And, this is the reason why CresthillCapital/Mantis Funding is taking the game to the traditional channels. For a decade now, they have been working tirelessly to improve the plight of small and medium businesses in the nation. For them, the motive is to not reject an application on the basis of their credit score or collaterals. It is fair to say that while doing this, they have successfully managed to bridge the gap that was created by the traditional channels.

So, what is it about them that make them so successful? Let’s decode!

Easy and Less Documentation:

If you have been to traditional channels for funding, you will be aware that they make you do a lot of hard work before rejecting your application. They don’t care for both: your time and pen’s ink! However, the same is not true for Cresthill Capital/Mantis Funding. With their super AI/ML-powered systems, they have made the process of documentation very easy and less painstaking. It is a few clicks and you are ready to submit the application. In case you are unable to do it online, you can call their helpline or support number to get it done there.

Different Purpose, Different Option:

Perhaps, this is the best thing about them! They provide you the value that you pen down. Apart from that, they don’t have the policy of different patients, one treatment. They know that a trucking business will have different requirements than a nightclub owner. Hence, they have a dedicated a team that looks into the depth of your request and prepares an offer by keeping you in the circle. 

If there happens to be any dissatisfaction with the proposed deal, the consumer can raise a query on their 24X7 platform, Cresthill Capital Complaints.

Quicker Processing than the Speed of Light!:

What is financing without speed? Such is their purpose to serve the people that they have ensured to provide funds within 3-days or 24-hours, in some cases. And, the people that work in the financing sector know that this is nothing short of the speed of light! So, we can say that:

With quick documentation, comes quick funding!