Thursday, 19 November 2020

Embrace the New Normal – Use a Cash Advance to Take Your Business to the Virtual World

Successful companies are those that evolve along with the pandemic. Gone are the days when you could rely on tried and tested methods of business. Today, the need of the hour is to embrace the new normal and identify opportunities as it is still unclear when the world will move past the Coronavirus days. Crest Hill Capital is a front runner when it comes to equipping companies with funds to enhance their current business strategy. If your business does not have an online presence, you may be missing out on a lot of opportunities. Take a look at how a virtual platform can help expand your business.

Access to New Markets


Has your business been limited to the local neighborhood or city? If so, then this current pandemic may bring on a decrease in sales and overall revenue. With social distancing measures in place, customers may be hesitant to visit your physical retail store or medical outlet. This is one of the reasons why e-stores are still doing great business, as customers can order their products or even services from the comfort of their homes. The reason you haven’t heard any Crest Hill Capital complaints is that they help small and medium-size businesses with cash advances to help kick start their online presence. With adequate funding, you can get a developer to create an e-commerce website and get your products online.


Lesser Health Risk


Another key advantage of increasing your online presence is that you may not have to invest much in hiring new staff for your physical outlet. With COVID-19, there is a serious health risk with people coming in close contact with each other. Unless there are stringent measures put in place, your outlet could put people at risk. With Crest Hill Capital’s cash advances, you can invest in technology to conduct online meetings, interact with customers, and handle inquiries. This will reduce physical contact between staff and customers.


New Product Range


If you are the owner of a retail store, you may want to add a new product line in keeping with changing trends and styles. It is easier to test new products when it is added to your online store as you can evaluate customer response and make changes and tweaks accordingly. Companies that have opted for a cash advance have no Crest Hill Capital complaints as they have seen the business grow by taking calculated risks with the funds they have received. With a cash inflow, you can experiment with your product line without worrying about whether it will affect other areas of your business.


Marketing Initiatives


A virtual presence is also a great marketing tool. Social media has cemented new brands in the market through viral videos, instant promotions, and discounts. Not only can you get the word out, but you can openly communicate with your target market and get their feedback on your products and services. Using a cash advance to invest in an online presence will boost your business in the long run, and it will help you stay ahead of the competition. Further, you can also invest in mobile marketing and reap rich rewards. Most customers today prefer to shop online through their mobile handsets. This is not only quick but very efficient. Making your products available online will make it easier for your prospective buyers to find your products and patronize your brand.


Don’t wait to get in touch with Crest Hill Capital. As a reputed lender, it has built a name in the industry and can help with your financial requirements.

Friday, 21 August 2020

No More Funding Problems! Learn how Cresthill Capital has changed the Dynamics of Funding

Lack of funding or working capital can be a problem, especially for small and medium enterprises. Besides, it is pretty weird to think that lack of funds is a problem that is constant in our pursuit of success. Be it anything, from the first day of the inception of a mind-boggling idea to paying out a hefty payroll to some of your employees; funding can act as a mirage in your financial desert.

Moreover, to stay upright and head-to-head in an extremely competitive environment, fetching funds is very crucial in taking your business to the next level. However, for some reason small and medium businesses have not been able to that. Do we know what that reason is?

Of course, the traditional channels! Placed to help, they have created their terms and regulations in a way that has become almost impossible to take help from. For them, the only way a businessman can showcase his creditworthiness is by maintaining high credit scores and boasting heavy collaterals.

And, in the real world, it is pretty tough for the small and medium businesses to do that. With an endless number of uncertain opportunities, they find it difficult to maintain a proper working capital let alone a credit score.

 So, is it right to deprive the economical backbone of the country from funds that can help them in growing?

We believe the answer is a simple no! And, this is the reason why CresthillCapital/Mantis Funding is taking the game to the traditional channels. For a decade now, they have been working tirelessly to improve the plight of small and medium businesses in the nation. For them, the motive is to not reject an application on the basis of their credit score or collaterals. It is fair to say that while doing this, they have successfully managed to bridge the gap that was created by the traditional channels.

So, what is it about them that make them so successful? Let’s decode!

Easy and Less Documentation:

If you have been to traditional channels for funding, you will be aware that they make you do a lot of hard work before rejecting your application. They don’t care for both: your time and pen’s ink! However, the same is not true for Cresthill Capital/Mantis Funding. With their super AI/ML-powered systems, they have made the process of documentation very easy and less painstaking. It is a few clicks and you are ready to submit the application. In case you are unable to do it online, you can call their helpline or support number to get it done there.

Different Purpose, Different Option:

Perhaps, this is the best thing about them! They provide you the value that you pen down. Apart from that, they don’t have the policy of different patients, one treatment. They know that a trucking business will have different requirements than a nightclub owner. Hence, they have a dedicated a team that looks into the depth of your request and prepares an offer by keeping you in the circle. 

If there happens to be any dissatisfaction with the proposed deal, the consumer can raise a query on their 24X7 platform, Cresthill Capital Complaints.

Quicker Processing than the Speed of Light!:

What is financing without speed? Such is their purpose to serve the people that they have ensured to provide funds within 3-days or 24-hours, in some cases. And, the people that work in the financing sector know that this is nothing short of the speed of light! So, we can say that:

With quick documentation, comes quick funding! 

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Why Alternative Finance is the Best Option to Fetch Funds for SMEs Growth?

Financial barriers are like strong water waves that create fluctuation in the growth of small and medium enterprises. The worse part is that these SMEs have to face them. To add to this, the policies laid by traditional channels after the Great Recession in 2008 mobbed SMEs path towards success.

However, does anyone know what the fun part is? The fun part is the presence of alt-financing firms like Cresthill Capital. They are like surf-board that help an SME owner to surf his way through these damping waves. These firms understand the pain and struggle of an SME. The people who are providing help, and are working to ensure that they stay up-to-date with the change in the financial sector, are one of those SME owners who faced a lot of rejection to get the necessary Vitamin-M for their ventures.

Yet, here they are working hard to ensure that other SME owners don’t have to worry about their working capital. In a credit-centric market, they are the ones who have a different outlook to gauging a client’s business approaching them for help.  

With a decade’s experience in their kitty, firms like Cresthill Capital are here to ensure that small and medium enterprises obtain what they deserve, and that is Funds! They want to see them grow, thereby, see themselves grow with them.  

In case of wondering why alt-fin service and not traditional channel, we will urge you to read this below-mentioned points to answer the why’s:

Credit and Collateral is a Thing of Past

What are the points one can lay when it comes to defining reliability of a businessman?  For sure a good credit score and heavy collateral is the first thing one can think of. However, the scenario has changed. Having these two is not the only criterion to fetch funds, at least from alt-fin firms.  

Innovation took over the financial sector and alt-fin firms like Cresthill Capital reviews the transaction details, expenses, and many more aspects to measure the creditworthiness of a businessman.

You Get What You Want or Better than You Want

There has been a taboo over the fact that traditional channels are still not comfortable in providing the exact amount as stated by the SME owner. Despite showing their trustworthiness, these SMEs have to listen to many different and inconclusive reasons before receiving the lump sum amount. 

However, the same is not true for alt-fin services. Precisely, they are customizable services working to help SMEs grow. Since firms like Cresthill Capital work and partner with big businesses, they are able to boost a profound pocket which ensures that SME owners get what they need.

With an integrated framework that prioritizes adaptability, these alt-fin firms are able to design a deal that is efficient or more than efficient to provide quick relief or a sudden growth or whatever their customers are looking to with the funds.

They are really quick!

Unlike traditional channels, they believe in delivering funds in real quick time. With an ML/AI amalgamated system, they ensure:

        Quick Application processing
        Fast Documentation
        Speedy Reimbursement

If in case, their client has an urgent requirement, they work to provide funds within 24 hours! Now that’s rapid. 

Funding is the most important aspect of growth and success. Besides, the timing of funding is something that is way more crucial than anything else. This is what they understand and firms like Cresthill Capital reviews the application in a way that they don’t have to give an opportunity to their owners to call them twice or thrice for a reminder.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Business Expansion Just Became Easier with This Kind of Alt-Funding! Read to Know.

It is right to say that alternative financing has ruled the finance sector in the previous decade. the best thing about alt-financing is its amicable nature. The fact that it is consumer-friendly lays the foundation of its dominance.

Furthermore, this industry is becoming increasingly favorite among small and medium businesses when it comes to business expansion. As mentioned earlier, their friendly nature and, to top that, their flexible terms and conditions allow SME owners to easily access funds.

Also, their super-fast processing and simple funding alternatives provide a number of ways for SME owners to accomplish their set goals.

Renowned firms like Cresthill Capital are working with a clear goal of infusing funds in such a way that the owners of small and medium businesses do not have to wait for the “right time” to grow and build their dreams.

So, building upon the same, here are a few alt-funding types that can be used to either boost cash flow or expand business or both like a dextrous businessman:–

Trucking Business Financing

This is one of the most productive businesses. If handled smartly, this business can generate revenues that one can only dream of. However, there’s a catch!

Transportation business requires a high cost for its maintenance. There are uncertainties like accidents, delays, breakdowns, fluctuation in rates of fuel and gas, driver strikes, state policies and many other things that can actually push your business in the reverse gear. Besides, at the SME level, there is high ambiguity over the fund and funding. It’s hard to guess whether a businessman will have reserves for the desired state or not. Also, operational charges change from time to time.  

Hence to deal with these unpredictable factors, trucking business owners need to aptly guard themselves with funds. This is where trusted firms like Cresthill Capital come into the scene. They provide funds to small and medium business by overseeing their financing uncertainties. Thus, allowing them to expand their business without much fuss.

Nightclub Financing

Nightclub financing is pretty common among small and medium business owners. Besides, alt-fin firms also report that they attract a large number of applications for this kind of financing. Alt-fin firms easily sanction nightclub funding but they stand by a procedure by which they review an application.

For example, Cresthill Capital reviews an application on the basis of closely judging the revenue stream by the applicant. It is only after that they provide the best offers and deals that can fulfill the capital requirements and business plans of the businessman.

Retail Store Financing

As a retail owner, a businessman is constantly under the pump of upgrading his store. The reason? If he won’t then his competitor will!

This will result in loss of business, hence less capital flow and low profits. To prevent this, numerous retailers apply for retail store financing. With that financing, they can upgrade themselves on various fronts. Besides, they can also build their web presence. 

Cresthill Capital Reviews suggest that retailers have expanded their business just by tightening and regulating their social media engagement. However, the thing to notice here is though digital marketing is a very enticing option yet it is like a puzzle that requires you to have in-depth knowledge to solve it. Harsh but that’s the truth. Hence, it is imperative to hire a digital marketing force to handle retail stores' affairs. Consequently, using funding for that reason.

Quick and easy financing with your innovation can turn out to be a boost for your business. So, who are you waiting for?

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

5 small business trends you should be prepared for in 2020

The Internet has turned local markets into global ones. Globalization and eCommerce have made competition harder but, at the same time, opened broader and newer markets for everyone. Now even small retailers can reach customers on the other side of the globe, but must also contend with rivals spread across continents. Hence, it is critical that you keep your finger on the pulse of changes happening around you.

I recently put together a list of some critical trends that EVERY small company must invest in. Now depending on your particular industry and business, you can decide how much investment you want to expand on each of them – but one thing is certain; you can't ignore any of them.

1. Personalized Customer service: Customers have come to expect and demand faster services and tailored solutions. They expect more than just a straightforward buy and sell arrangement, they want to know the business and be a part of its journey. They want to feel a connection. To create this intimacy, many businesses will have to implement some sort of solution that shows special love to their customers. This could either be excellent in-store customer service, focused ad campaigns, or hyper-personalized products – depending on your industry, you will have to come up with innovative ways to connect meaningfully with your target audience.

2. New digital media: Digital marketing has become more competitive in the last year or two. The field is getting increasingly crowded, and budgets must expand to get results. Also, 2020 sees some drastic changes - voice search is growing by leaps and bounds and is all set to be the next big disruptor; content marketing, albeit with video as big part of it, is going to take the lead in maintaining online brand reputations and organic traffic is losing steam. There are too many people putting out great social media content, you have to put in the money to get traction in the market.

In short, find new channels or put in more money.

3. Online reviews become even more critical: For many small businesses, especially the ones in retail, food, or entertainment industries, online reviews are now even more important than before. To make a 100% positive customer experience, in reality, you have to invest in online reputation management. Just like social media – trying to get organic reviews is an uphill task. You have to reach out proactively to customers, be exceptionally responsive and hire professionals to manage your online reputation.

4. Sustainability: The need of the hour is sustainability! It is critical for ALL businesses  - regardless of size and industry – to go green. It is vital to the environment, and the customers demand it. There is a huge uptick in clients inquiring about the sustainability credentials of businesses, and they are now willing to pay extra and change brands to help the earth.

5. Cybersecurity: While small businesses - especially the ones with a location or store - are usually more worried about their physical security, but now it is time all of us start thinking about cybersecurity too. It is reported that 43% of cyber-attacks are focused on small businesses, and no industry is off limits! You are not too small or too offline to escape, and it is imperative to put some safeguards into place.

Now, clearly, the only thing stopping business owners from keeping up with these trends is MONEY. Here I suggest you follow my example! I wanted to implement measures to keep up with my industry trends and approached New York-based alternative lender – Cresthill Capital for a financing offer! It turned out to be a sound decision! I have no Cresthill Capital complaints and recommend you try out alternative lending institutions too.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

How Alternative Funding Is Helping Business Owners In Growing Their Businesses

Alternative funding has turned out to be a blessing for SMEs. In the past decade, this service has supported millions of small businesses across America and has helped them to grow and become a changing force in their respective fields.

Hence, the topic of discussion here is how alternative funding is helping hospitality service owners in growing their business with the help of funding firms. Let's see with the help of some case studies:

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Has Helped Businessmen In Opening Their Branches In The City.

Sebastian is a successful 37-year-old pharmacist and is a pharmacy owner in New York. He opened his first pharmacy five years ago, and its successful run has allowed him to plan his franchise by opening another store.

However, his struggle began when he wanted to purchase the place in his preferred area. He first approached banks for financing but only to know that the banks were only going to finance the mortgage charges for his medical store. This led to a question, and that was, what about the stocks, equipment, and staff? This is where he referred to Cresthill Capital for a significant financing offer.

After going through his existing business transactional data, Cresthill Capital approved a business line of credit to cover his entire medical store expense. Sebastian used this line of credit service judicially like a credit card and is now planning to open another branch.

Extending A Trucking Business Service

Mark owns a trucking business that operates in New York and its adjacent places. For years he has complemented the family income by his leftovers from the trucking service. Owing to the seasonality of the business and continuous cash crunch, Mark was thinking of elevating his business by getting more vehicles so that he can get more from what he does. Thus, after a chance conversation with his brother-in-law, he came to know about the benefits of alternative online funding. And, this got him thinking about exploring this option to get funds for his business.

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As he is looking to strike a balance in his business, he consulted Cresthill Capital and took out a merchant cash advance from a funding company against his trucking service. This has helped Mark to get the balance he was looking for; further, he has hired more staff for his business and is now thinking of expanding his service to other states.

Helps In Remodeling

Todd wanted to remodel his retail shop. In this day and age of technology, Todd had a traditional retail shop. Due to this, the millennial population of his area skipped him for super-mart in the mall. And, this made things difficult for him in terms of making a profit. So, he decided to remodel it. However, he had enough money to change the look of the shop.

He knew what he wanted to do, but he needed money for the equipment and stocks. This is where he explored a few alternative online funding options, and after going through Cresthill Capital reviews decided to call in and discuss the prospect of the firm's role in his plans with a team member.

He concluded that he wanted to opt for cash advance for the store's remodeling. Since the outlook changed, the sales are increasing, and the profits are back.

These are just a few cases where alternative funding has played a crucial role in the success of a business. Therefore, it is good to say that alternative funding works well for SMEs.

Monday, 6 January 2020

Alternative Funding And Financing Tips For Women Small Business Owners

Over the last few years, the number of women-owned businesses in the U.S. has grown by 45%, which is five times faster than the national average in the country. The data indicates that more women are coming to the forefront to start their businesses. So, it makes sense to have alternative funding options, specially designed to encourage women, small business owners.

(Read through Cresthill Capital reviews for more insights). Going the traditional way has become difficult for small business owners since the 2008 recession has hit us hard. A Dun and Bradstreet and Pepperdine University study reveals that only 30 percent of women small business owners get successful in passing through the traditional way as compared half of all the business owners.

With all these in mind, if you are wondering how to kickstart your small business with limited funds or give your business a little bit of extra boost, then alternative funding is the best way to go forward. Take a peek at Cresthill Capital offers to get details.

Alternative funding options for women-owned small business owners

There are plenty of online lenders and alternative funding options where you can find ample funding options to give that extra little push to your small business. If you’re skeptical about them, read Cresthill Capital reviews and see what other business owners are saying.

Designed for women or not, most of these alternative funding options are perfectly designed to meet your business goals. From short to long term with favorable repayment terms, alternative funding comes as a boon. Let’s understand the different alternative funding options available for small business owners.

Merchant cash advance: If you are going through a short cash crunch, a merchant cash advance may come in handy. Different merchant cash companies offer to lend you cash – the amount could be anywhere up to $200,000. If you have an immediate cash requirement, then go for a merchant cash advance. Since the approval time is minimal (no more than 24 hours), you can expect to have the cash in your hand within a day.

It is a perfect solution when you lack a few hundred or thousand dollars to give help your business. The repayment terms are flexible and easy, usually lasting only for a couple of years. The working principle of merchant cash advance is simple. It lets you take the benefit of your future income to access cash in the present. Once you receive the fund, you can repay it by a percentage of your daily credit card deposits, which is usually withheld by the cash lender.

Equipment financing and leasing: This is another form of alternative lending that helps many small business owners, including women small business owners. If you think you need equipment to do your job better, then you can make use of this financing option to purchase the equipment. On the other hand, equipment leasing is a perfect solution for those who don’t want to block their cash inflow by purchasing a piece of equipment that might not be in use long term. Equipment leasing is the best option for them.

Check out Cresthill Capital for all your alternative funding queries - they run a very minority centric business model that encourages and supports diversity in business. They have gone the extra mile to design several women-centric funding offers that offer extremely good rates.